In this message, Doug unpacks why Paul and Barnabas disagreed concerning John Mark, why they ended up parting ways because of this disagreement, how God eventually brought reconciliation, and what…
Bible Text: Mark 3:20-30 | Preacher: Doug Fell | Series: Mark In this sermon Doug warns us against silencing the convicting voice of the Holy Spirit and reminds us of…
Bible Text: 1 John 1:5-10 | Preacher: Doug Fell | Series: Light & Love In this passage, John shows us as we really are, and that as sinners we are…
Bible Text: Micah 3:1-8 | Preacher: Quentin Still | Series: Who Needs Christmas? Micah charges the leaders of Israel of hating good and loving evil. He calls out their rebellion…
Bible Text: Genesis 45-47 | Preacher: Doug Fell | Series: Life of Joseph In this message, Doug looks at the reunion and reconciliation between Jospeh and his brothers, and how…
Bible Text: Matt 5:31-32 and Matt 19:3-11 | Preacher: Doug Fell | Series: Sermon on the Mount In this message, Doug looks at what Jesus taught about marriage and divorce,…
Bible Text: Matt 5:21-26 | Preacher: Doug Fell | Series: Sermon on the Mount In this message, Doug looks at what Jesus taught about anger and how it impacts our…
Bible Text: Philippians 4:2-3 | Preacher: Doug Fell | Series: Philippians Conflict is an unavoidable part of life. This week we look at what the bible teaches about how we…