Bible Text: Mark 14:12-26 | Preacher: Dave Jones | Series: Mark But he was pierced because of our rebellion, crushed because of our iniquities; punishment for our peace was on…
Bible Text: Mark 14:27-31/66-72 | Preacher: Doug Fell | Series: Mark In this account of Jesus' prediction of and Peter's denial of Jesus, the message of the gospel is displayed;…
Bible Text: Mark 14:12-26 | Preacher: Dave Jones | Series: Mark In this passage, Jesus shares his last meal with his disciples and makes promises about what the shedding of…
Bible Text: Mark 14:1-11 | Preacher: Lenka Tsotetsi | Series: Mark In this sermon, Lenka unpacks the story of the anointing of Jesus by Mary at Bethany. At the risk…
Bible Text: Mark 13:32-37 | Preacher: Doug Fell | Series: Mark Doug discusses how we should be living with urgency and connected to God's plan, in expectation of Jesus's return…
Bible Text: Mark 13:1-31 | Preacher: Doug Fell | Series: Mark In this sermon Doug recounts Jesus' foretelling of the destruction of the temple and how as christians we have…
Bible Text: Mark 12:41-44 | Preacher: Dave Jones | Series: Mark In this passage Jesus tackles the topic of sacrificial giving which reminds us that everything belongs to God. Money…
Bible Text: Mark 12:35-40 | Preacher: Wiseman Kamanga | Series: Mark In this passage Jesus opposes the Scribes and calls out their insincere worship. His message is that if he…
Bible Text: Mark 12:28-34 | Preacher: Doug Fell | Series: Mark In this Passage Doug unpacks Jesus' interaction with a religious leader and answers the question: "What is the most…