In this passage, Simeon recognises the baby Jesus as the Messiah who has come at last. Dave helps us see how Simeon worships Jesus for bringing Life, Light and Liberty
Bible Text: Mark 3:20-30 | Preacher: Doug Fell | Series: Mark In this sermon Doug warns us against silencing the convicting voice of the Holy Spirit and reminds us of…
Bible Text: Mark 3:7-21 | Preacher: Dave Jones | Series: Mark In this sermon, Dave takes us through the four responses to the person and work of Jesus in this…
Bible Text: Ecclesiastes 9:1-12 | Preacher: Doug Fell | Series: Ecclesiastes. The Search for Meaning In this passage Solomon talks about Death and Life. Death, he explains, is a fate…
Bible Text: Matthew 5:1-12 | Preacher: Doug Fell | Series: Sermon on the Mount The term “blessed” conjures up many different ideas for different people. As Jesus begins his most…
Bible Text: Luke 6:46-49 | Preacher: Doug Fell | Series: Parables - Stories That Speak To The Heart Faith and obedience are two sides to the same coin. This week…
Bible Text: Luke 12:13-21 | Preacher: Doug Fell | Series: Parables - Stories That Speak To The Heart How much of your life is built around the things that you…