In this sermon Doug unpacks the idea of God's holiness and discusses profound implications of it on our lives, and how Jesus' sacrifice enables us to be positionally and progressively…
In this sermon, Dave explores how we can worship God with our entire lives – our possessions, money, and work. He emphasises that stewardship should be the guiding principle for…
Jude uses three Old Testament examples to expose the errors of false teachings. These historical events serve as a warning about the same mistakes being made today. We need to…
False teachers subtly promote a distorted gospel, twisting God's grace into a license for sin and self-centeredness. Believers must contend for the faith, upholding the pure Gospel of Jesus Christ,…
In this message, Luke unpacks the beauty of Christ's unending and perfect intercession for us, and shows us how there is more mercy in Christ than sin in us.
In this message, Luke unpacks the two essential adjectives Jesus chose to describe himself and how he acts towards us in our hurts, habits and hangups.
In this Good Friday we remember that Christ died in our place for our sins - a joyful substitute.
Bible Text: Acts 3:1-4:4 | Preacher: Dave Jones | Series: Acts In this passage Jesus heals a lame beggar, Dave discusses the message behind the miracle of how Jesus came…
Bible Text: John 19:28-30 | Preacher: Doug Fell | Series: Easter 2023 "it is finished" were Jesus' last words before he died, Doug unpacks what he meant and what their…