Spiritual Gifts test

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Spiritual Gifts Test

God gives good gifts to his church. Different gifts to different people given to unite and strengthen the church. Gifts that are meant to be used to bless others, for God’s glory.

How do we find out about our gifts so that we can use them for the glory of God? One way is to take this test!

Note: this test takes about 30 minutes to complete.

1 / 161

1. I can coordinate people, tasks, and events to meet a need.

2 / 161

2. I enjoy working creatively with wood, cloth, paints, metal, glass, or other materials.

3 / 161

3. I enjoy developing and using my artistic skills (art, drama, music, photography, etc.)

4 / 161

4. Others in the church have noted that I was able to see through phoniness before it was evident to other people.

5 / 161

5. I have the ability to communicate the gospel with clarity and conviction.

6 / 161

6. When I see spiritual complacency, I am willing to challenge it.

7 / 161

7. I have confidence that God not only can, but He will.

8 / 161

8. I give liberally and joyfully to people in financial need or to projects requiring support.

9 / 161

9. In the name of the Lord, I have been used in curing diseases instantaneously.

10 / 161

10. I enjoy working behind the scenes to support the work of others.

11 / 161

11. I view my home as a safe and caring place to minister to people.

12 / 161

12. I spend at least an hour a day in prayer.

13 / 161

13. Sometimes when a person speaks in tongues, I get an idea about what God is saying.

14 / 161

14. I have had insights of spiritual truth which others have said helped bring them closer to God.

15 / 161

15. I am motivated to set goals and influence others to achieve a vision in order to advance God's work on earth.

16 / 161

16. I empathize with hurting people and desire to help in their healing process.

17 / 161

17. Others can point to specific instances where my prayers have resulted in visible miracles.

18 / 161

18. I feel comfortable relating to people of different ethnicities and cultures, and they seem to accept me.

19 / 161

19. I have a desire to speak direct messages from God that edify or exhort or comfort others.

20 / 161

20. I establish trust and confidence through long-term relationships.

21 / 161

21. I am able to communicate God's Word effectively.

22 / 161

22. I have spoken in tongues.

23 / 161

23. I have applied spiritual truth effectively to situations in my own life.

24 / 161

24. I am careful, thorough, and skilled at managing details.

25 / 161

25. I am skilled in working with different kinds of tools.

26 / 161

26. I help people better understand themselves, their relationships, and God through artistic expression.

27 / 161

27. I can "see" the Spirit of God resting on certain people from time to time.

28 / 161

28. After I have shared the story of Jesus, people pray with me for salvation.

29 / 161

29. I enjoy reassuring and strengthening those who are discouraged.

30 / 161

30. I have confidence in God's continuing provision and help, even in difficult times.

31 / 161

31. I give more than a tithe so that kingdom work can be accomplished.

32 / 161

32. I enjoy praying for sick people because I know that many of them will be healed as a result.

33 / 161

33. I enjoy doing routine tasks that support the needs of ministry.

34 / 161

34. I enjoy meeting new people and helping them feel welcomed.

35 / 161

35. When I hear a prayer request, I pray for that need for several days at least.

36 / 161

36. I have interpreted tongues with the result that the body of Christ was edified, exhorted, or comforted.

37 / 161

37. Through study or experience I have discerned major strategies or techniques God seems to use in furthering His Kingdom.

38 / 161

38. It is quite natural for me to lead, and it is more comfortable for me to lead than not to lead.

39 / 161

39. I can patiently support those going through painful experiences as they are seeking stability in their lives.

40 / 161

40. God has used me personally to perform supernatural signs and wonders.

41 / 161

41. I feel I could learn another language well in order to minister to those in a different culture.

42 / 161

42. Through God I have revealed specific things which will happen in the future.

43 / 161

43. I can faithfully provide long-term emotional and spiritual support and concern for others.

44 / 161

44. I simply and practically explain and clarify the Word for those who are confused or just do not know.

45 / 161

45. I have spoken an immediate message of God to His people in a language that I have never learned.

46 / 161

46. I can intuitively arrive at solutions to fairly complicated problems.

47 / 161

47. I can clarify goals and develop strategies or plans to accomplish them.

48 / 161

48. I can visualize how something should be constructed before I build it.

49 / 161

49. I like finding new and fresh ways of communicating God's truth.

50 / 161

50. I can tell with a fairly high degree of assurance when a person is afflicted by an evil spirit.

51 / 161

51. I would rather be around non-Christians more than Christians so that I can build relationships with them.

52 / 161

52. I reassure those who need to take courageous action in their faith, family or life.

53 / 161

53. I have a special ability to trust God for extraordinary needs.

54 / 161

54. I manage my money well in order to free more of it for giving.

55 / 161

55. Others have told me that God healed them of an emotional problem when I ministered to them.

56 / 161

56. I see spiritual significance in doing practical tasks.

57 / 161

57. I genuinely believe the Lord directs strangers to me who need a sense of belonging and connection to others.

58 / 161

58. Intercessory prayer is one of my favorite ways of spending time.

59 / 161

59. I have prayed that I may interpret if someone begins speaking in tongues.

60 / 161

60. I have the ability to discover new truths for myself through reading or observing situations firsthand.

61 / 161

61. I am usually chosen as the group's spokesperson when in discussion groups.

62 / 161

62. I am drawn toward people who are sometimes regarded as undeserving or beyond help.

63 / 161

63. God regularly seems to do impossible things through my life.

64 / 161

64. People in a different race or culture have been attracted to me, and we have related well.

65 / 161

65. People have told me that I have communicated timely and urgent messages which have come directly from God.

66 / 161

66. I enjoy giving practical support, nurture, and spiritual guidance to a group of people.

67 / 161

67. When I teach, people respond to my teaching with actions.

68 / 161

68. I can speak to God in a language I have never learned.

69 / 161

69. When a person has a problem I can frequently guide them to the best Biblical solution.

70 / 161

70. I can identify and effectively use the resources needed to accomplish tasks.

71 / 161

71. I am good at working with my hands and enjoy doing so.

72 / 161

72. I regularly need to get alone to reflect and to develop my imagination.

73 / 161

73. I can recognize whether a person's teaching is from God, from Satan, or of human origin.

74 / 161

74. I boldly speak about salvation through Jesus Christ and see a positive response in those who are listening.

75 / 161

75. I find great joy in affirming the value and worth of others.

76 / 161

76. I am unwavering in my belief that God will absolutely work in circumstances in which success cannot be guaranteed by human effort alone.

77 / 161

77. I choose to limit my lifestyle in order to give away a higher percentage of my income.

78 / 161

78. I have prayed for others and physical healing has actually occurred.

79 / 161

79. I like to find things that need to be done and often do them without being asked.

80 / 161

80. I rarely meet people I do not like and wouldn’t want to see included in the life of the church.

81 / 161

81. Others have told me that my prayers for them have been answered in tangible ways.

82 / 161

82. I have interpreted tongues in a way that seemed to bless others.

83 / 161

83. I receive information from the Spirit that I did not acquire through natural means.

84 / 161

84. I set goals and direct people to effectively accomplish them.

85 / 161

85. I look through a person's handicaps or problems to see a life that matters to God and an opportunity to serve.

86 / 161

86. People have told me that I was God's instrument which brought supernatural changes in lives or circumstances.

87 / 161

87. I would be willing to leave comfortable surroundings if it would enable me to share Christ with more people.

88 / 161

88. I sometimes have a strong sense of what God wants to say to people in response to a particular situation.

89 / 161

89. I can gently restore wandering believers to faith and fellowship.

90 / 161

90. I get frustrated when I see people's lack of biblical knowledge.

91 / 161

91. If I give a public message in tongues, I expect it to be interpreted.

92 / 161

92. Some people indicate that I have perceived and applied Biblical truth to the specified needs of fellow believers.

93 / 161

93. I can visualize a coming event, anticipate potential problems and develop strategies to meet them.

94 / 161

94. I serve and work more behind the scenes to make things that are useful for ministry and that honor God.

95 / 161

95. The way I say and do things awakens the truth in others, so they say, "I have never thought of it that way."

96 / 161

96. I can tell whether a person speaking in tongues is genuine.

97 / 161

97. I openly tell people that I am a Christian and want them to ask me about my faith.

98 / 161

98. I like motivating others to take steps for spiritual growth.

99 / 161

99. When I see God's activity, I move toward it in spite of opposition or a lack of support.

100 / 161

100. For special projects and capital campaigns, I like to give in a way that encourages and inspires others to give generously.

101 / 161

101. When I pray for the sick, either I or they feel sensations of tingling or warmth.

102 / 161

102. I show my love for others in actions more than words.

103 / 161

103. For me, the greatest times of joy in the church are times of social interaction and fellowship.

104 / 161

104. When I pray, God frequently speaks to me, and I recognize His Voice.

105 / 161

105. I have interpreted tongues in such a way that the message appeared to be directly from God.

106 / 161

106. Sometimes when I touch a person, God shows me what others are experiencing or need.

107 / 161

107. I influence others to perform to the best of their ability.

108 / 161

108. I enjoy bringing hope, joy, and comfort to people working through a crisis or chronic situation in their lives.

109 / 161

109. In the name of the Lord, I have been able to recover sight to the blind.

110 / 161

110. More than most, I have had a strong desire to see people of other countries won to the Lord.

111 / 161

111. I sometimes feel that I know exactly what God wants me to do in ministry at a specific point in time.

112 / 161

112. There are a number of people in my life that I am personally guiding with truth, encouragement, caring and wisdom.

113 / 161

113. I communicate Scripture in ways that cause others to learn and become motivated toward greater growth.

114 / 161

114. If I speak in tongues, I believe it is edifying to the Lord's body.

115 / 161

115. I have felt an unusual presence of God and personal confidence when important decisions needed to be made.

116 / 161

116. I want to bring order where there is organizational chaos.

117 / 161

117. I am a resourceful person, able to find the best materials and tools required to build what is needed.

118 / 161

118. I use various forms of the arts to draw people closer to God and his truth.

119 / 161

119. I have a "sixth sense" and frequently am able to identify a person's character based on first impressions.

120 / 161

120. I love unchurched people no matter where they are on their spiritual journey.

121 / 161

121. I carefully challenge or rebuke others in order to help them grow spiritually.

122 / 161

122. I am regularly challenging others to trust God.

123 / 161

123. I manage my money and give to ministries that are well led and are making a difference for Christ in the lives of people.

124 / 161

124. When I pray for the sick, I have confidence that God will heal that person.

125 / 161

125. When a task needs to be done, I find it difficult to say no.

126 / 161

126. I enjoy taking charge of church suppers or social gatherings.

127 / 161

127. I pray with confidence because I know that God works in response to prayer.

128 / 161

128. When I hear people speak in tongues, I feel the Spirit revealing his message to me, and I speak it aloud, interpreting it for the church.

129 / 161

129. God gives me supernatural insights for others.

130 / 161

130. I am able to cast a vision for ministry that others want to follow and be a part of.

131 / 161

131. I am moved with compassion and motivated to remove the sources of another's sufferings.

132 / 161

132. I have experienced the power of God within me to cast out demons and heal the sick, and I see his supernatural intervention in nature.

133 / 161

133. I get excited thinking about giving up everything and move to a foreign country so I can share about Jesus Christ.

134 / 161

134. I speak biblical truth in a timely and culturally sensitive way in order to strengthen, encourage, and comfort God's people.

135 / 161

135. I take responsibility to nurture the whole person in his or her walk with God.

136 / 161

136. I can present information and skills to others in ways that make it easier for them to grasp and apply them to their lives.

137 / 161

137. I find when I pray, I want to pray more but don't have the words.

138 / 161

138. I am surprised by how many people are unable to solve problems and seem to lack common sense.

139 / 161

139. I am able to give directions to others without using persuasion to get them to accomplish a task.

140 / 161

140. I have good hand-eye coordination and good dexterity.

141 / 161

141. I have a sense of the whole and can creatively put things together in a harmonious flow that artistically communicates a biblical truth.

142 / 161

142. I have seen into the spiritual realm where spirits have been revealed to me by God.

143 / 161

143. I get frustrated when others do not seem to share their faith with unbelievers as much as I do.

144 / 161

144. I have urged others to seek a Biblical solution to their affliction or suffering.

145 / 161

145. I have believed God for the impossible and have seen it happen in a tangible way.

146 / 161

146. I believe I have been given an abundance of resources so that I may give more to the Lord's work.

147 / 161

147. When I pray for the sick, I often have boldness in my prayers.

148 / 161

148. When I serve the Lord, I really don't care who gets the credit.

149 / 161

149. I have desired to make my home available to those in the Lord's service whenever needed.

150 / 161

150. People often come to me with their prayer requests.

151 / 161

151. I can understand a language I have never learned.

152 / 161

152. God places people on my heart and when I contact them, they normally are going through something.

153 / 161

153. When I speak people seem to listen and agree.

154 / 161

154. I enjoy visiting in hospitals and/or retirement homes, and feel I do well in such a ministry.

155 / 161

155. In an impossible situation I have called upon the Lord and have seen immediate results.

156 / 161

156. I want to be able to use my natural and God-given abilities to minister in countries where needs are great.

157 / 161

157. I feel compelled to expose sin wherever I see it and to challenge people to repentance.

158 / 161

158. I have helped fellow believers by guiding them to relevant portions of the Bible and praying with them.

159 / 161

159. I struggle with how to take what I have been studying and communicate only those things that will help God's people learn what they need at the moment.

160 / 161

160. I want to go deeper in prayer but there seems to be a barrier.

161 / 161

161. I like to read and study the book of Proverbs for its simple and powerful truths expressed in a clear and practical way.
